/shoe mung/

Nerdy Slurp

Case study of a product failed to be pitched to MoMA Design Store.


In a collaboration between MoMA Design Store and SVA Products of Design, I created: Nerdy Slurp.

Nerdy Slurp is a watermelon holder that can measure the angle of watermelon slices, and, as a bonus feature catch any excess juice before it drips onto people's hands, leaving the sticky feeling that can suck the fun right out of a picnic. Nerdy Slurp also functions as a collection device for this extra juice so that users can enjoy it as a bonus treat later!

There were lots of ideas swimming around in my head at the time, but when this one popped up, the thought of not making it was unthinkable. So, under the constraints of time and budget, I decided to take a risk and make this magical melon holder for the masses.

Pitch Day: Nerdy Slurp got lots of laughs but unfortunately didn’t make it to the finals.

I learned a few things from this product pitch:

  1. Acrylic glue is not the healthiest material when in direct contact with food

  2. When you pitch a product to MoMA, remember to always match the brand voice and lifestyle of your target users

  3. Do LOTS of research. I overestimated the amount of juice dripping from one piece of watermelon, and the buying power of a demographic that would be annoyed by dripping juice.

 I’ll continue to pursue these kinds of unconventional and offbeat ideas, but in the future with better execution!