/shoe mung/


A fun and fast-paced game that lets over-thinkers enjoy a break from thinking.


Inthlete is a game experience where guests compete against each other to win a championship for having “good intuition”.


“A lucky guess is never merely luck, there is always some talent in it.”

Emma, Jane Austin

The game was inspired by my observation that people feel good and unique when they think they have a keen sense of intuition. It's a pleasure response that comes from being right without knowing why.

 In Inthlete, participants were divided into groups of two and then competed with each other to see whose intuition addressed a given challenge more effectively. The challenges were placed in frames that would light up to signal how much time was left to answer each question. Participants ran around the room to the frames that lit up randomly, while two judges followed them to compare their answers and decide which person had the more accurate answer.

 One example of a takeaway is how to think and react in an action-oriented situation, i.e. a moment in which you have limited time or information but that requires you to act and adjust before arriving at the “right” solution. The idea was that after learning this process through the game experience, the participants could then repeat it in their own lives.

Ten Challenges of Inthlete

  1. Guess the answer to “407,561 x 283,393 = ? ”in 10 seconds;

  2. Predict which frame will light up next (they were randomized);

  3. Estimate the length of a tangled rope after only one glimpse;

  4. Estimate the number of people in a picture after only one glimpse;

  5. Estimate the time without a clock;

  6. Play Rock-Paper-Scissors;

  7. Talk for a minute without pausing;

  8. Identify the main idea of an article after only one glimpse;

  9. Out of 5 keys, find the right one for opening a lock;

  10. Predict who will win the game.